It is difficult to believe that this will be my last JOTS column.  It is a time of very mixed emotions for me for this has been my church home for nearly four decades; I spent eight years as the Direction of Christian Educations here in the 1980's during which time Sonshine the Clown (my other personality) came into being during the very first Back to Sunday School Breakfast.  Little did I dream that a whole new and unexpected filed of ministry was opening before me; the Sonshine Clown Company emerged from that first appearance and moved forward to flourish for almost fourteen years as our clowns shared the love of Jesus Christ to children and adults alike.

And it was here at First United Church of Christ that I finally reached the goal of becoming a Licensed Pastor with full privileges after completing a three-year course of Study.  Throughout all the years of my life, God was preparing me for this role of Pastor...a role I have embraced and cherished.  I know that there are some reading this column who will feel I have not been everything a good pastor should have been.   Some will say I said too much on some things; other will feel that I didn't say enough.  Some may say that I served the congregations needs beyond the call of duty; other will be convinced that I left too many things undone.

The measure of my ministry among you lies somewhere in the mist of all your mixed feelings of my own.  For in these past eighteen years we have gathered in new members and active participants and have also lost some.  During these years a number of important projects and activities have been initiated...some of which have become traditions and some which have failed.  There have been moments of achievement and failure...of fulfillment and despair...and of warmth and openness. 

Today I want to say a word of gratitude to those among you who stayed with the church in those early difficult weeks and months of uncertainty.   We would not have been able to move forward to this time and place without your dedication to God and to this church and its mission.   I am humbled at the confidence you showed in me even as I struggled with the enormity of the task before us.  Church attendance was at an all-time low (only 12 in worship that first Sunday) and financial resources were very minimal.  But those of you in the congregation worked hard and prayed harder...and with God's help...we were able to weather the storm and sail into calmer waters. 

While I will not longer be your Pastor, this does not mean that I will not continue to care about this church and its people.  I have made many dear friends in my work here at First UCC...friends who have applauded my accomplishments and played down my failures.  Because of
you I have
become a better person, a better pastor and a better person of faith.  Thank you, dear friends for doing all these things and much more. 
As to how I will spend my time in the future...I have a couple of goals I have yet to accomplish.  I want to continue preaching as a Pulpit Supply;  I also hope to do some public speaking on Religion in the Civil War and on the work of Annie Wittenmeyer during the Civil War, plus sharing speeches suitable for Women's or Men's gatherings.  And, of course, I hope to continue writing.   Most of all, I will now have more time to spend with my wonderful husband, whose plans have often had to be put on hold while I attended to the duties and responsibilities of the church.  My unending thanks goes out to Delbert who took over most of the household duties so that I could pursue my education while serving as Pastor.  And I would be remiss if I didn't mention all the hours he too has spent in the church building tending to the Property issues that have arisen.  Because of his vision and knowledge the Sanctuary is now air conditioned for the first time since the building was built; under his supervision, a new boiler was installed and an entire new roof was installed (at no cost to the church) after he spent many hours tracking down serious leaks only to discovered faulty shingles installed just a few years earlier which had not sealed down in spite of the summer's high temperatures.  In addition ongoing general maintenance issues have been promptly addressed.  He has not only been my life partner but also my partner in ministry here at the church...and for that I think him. 

As I close this final column, allow me to express my deepest thanks for your kindness and generosity during our journey together as Pastor and congregation.  We have had our ups and downs...which is as it should be...for all sunshine and no rain creates a desert.  Together we have walked though the good and the difficult times, always seeking God's guidance as we made the journey. 

In the fourth chapter of Philippians, the Apostle Paul penned these words I would like to share with you:

Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all!  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.  And the God of Peace will be with you. 

Now take care and keep the faith.  And always remember to keep looking up because God loves you very much. 

Peace and Blessing...
Pastor Judy Ann Morse